about me


My name is Solomon King. I run a nonprofit called Fundi Bots. It’s transforming science education for more than 35,000 children in Uganda (as of 2023).

I don’t believe in left brain/right brain constructs. Or being fitted into psychoanalytical personality or skill boxes, so I explore whatever my mind is interested in at any given time.

So I’m:

  • a nerd and tinkerer (robotics, ai, code, electronics, tech)
  • a geek (anime, movies, soundtracks, music, video games)
  • an artist (digital art mostly, ux/ui design, painting, pencils, photography)
  • entrepreneur (current: fundi bots, previously: node six, elemental edge, proggie)
  • a writer (short fiction and poetry) voracious reader (of everything)
  • an aspiring polyglot (Acholi, Luganda, English, some French, a little Swahili, almost non-existent Japanese.)
  • a youtuber (of sorts)
  • infinitely curious

This site is where I’ve decided my writing will reside (again). I’ve been blogging since forever, and now I want to resume writing again. You’ll find a lot of old posts on this site. They’ve been collected from all the many places I’ve written from in the past.

Disclaimers on my writing
First, I practice method writing. This means my stories are rooted in experiences, places and memories from my past, but I also project myself as a watcher/listener into the lives of my characters. So, sometimes these stories might be a little too real, but remember: unless something is labelled as nonfiction, it is most decidedly all fiction.

Second, I enjoy writing short stories. I like to imagine jumping into a life or situation, observing briefly and then jumping back out and documenting that. So there’s no structure or continuity beyond each story. Which also means there’s rarely any closure on the stories (sorry, but not really).

Third, most of my writing is extremely spur-of-the-moment (both poetry and prose). So it may be awful, riddled with continuity issues and spelling errors. You’ll have to excuse me (or deal with it). Maybe one day I’ll learn to edit and refine.

Finally, very little of this has to do with me or something I’m going through (unless it’s categorized as nonfiction), so please, just enjoy the stories and the characters without projecting (insert smiley-wink emoji).

I hope you enjoy reading this.

“Words are but crumbs that fall from the feast of the mind.” – Khalil Gibran.