Comments for The Rogue King "words are but crumbs that fall from the feast of the mind." - Khalil Gibran / mostly fiction, sometimes real-life. Sun, 15 Oct 2023 14:29:52 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on on grief by Wendo Sun, 15 Oct 2023 14:29:52 +0000 I know grief by name, felt like an eternity of pain, no tears, words, or anything would make it stop… then… slowly.. It began to throb.. into this far away pain, that still brings me to tears, but I feel it’s goodbye, yet I know it will never really go…

Thank you for this piece

Comment on on grief by Laureen Sun, 15 Oct 2023 06:17:50 +0000 In reply to Serina.

Absolutely…grief is the rude and unwelcome guest who turns into a lifelong companion offering solace from time to time. “… because for that ache to be completely gone is a different kind of emptiness.”

Comment on on grief by Serina Sat, 14 Oct 2023 15:58:17 +0000 Indeed grief causes ‘scars’ that may never heal. Such moments can’t be forgotten throughout someone’s life.
Thank you Solomon for this writeup

Comment on quietude by The Masters Apprentice Mon, 25 Sep 2023 03:19:59 +0000 My word dude, you’ve certainly grown as a writer- whether that has to do with your quietude or busyness, I’m not sure.

Regardless you have moved my heart to contemplation. A question I’ve been asking myself with my latest venture is, how do I run a social media business and yet not be on social media?

What a conundrum as I recognise the mental and emotional toll that constantly checking notifications and scrolling titktoj for endless hours while sitting on the toilet in the name of research

Enjoy your quietude. You know where to find me when you need it.
